Welcome to Lasik University!

Hello and welcome to Lasik University where you can Learn about Lasik Eye Surgery from the Lasik inside. After personally facilitating well over 2,000 Lasik Eye Surgeries I have compiled vital information just for your review, a potential Lasik candidate, past Lasik patient, Lasik researcher or Lasik physician...

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Dr. Ashraf of the Atlanta Vision Institute

Hi all,

For anyone interested in having their vision corrected by having the Lasik procedure done I wanted to recommend a great Lasik Doctor here in the Atlanta area.

At one time I worked for The Lasik Vision Institute wich is now formerly the World's Largest Provider of Lasik. Dr. Ashraf was one of LVI's Lasik Surgeons. Over the 4 year period I worked for Lasik Vision Institute I never heard a complaint aimed towards Dr. Ashraf. All of his patients gave me superb feedback in regards to his professionalism and bed side manner. If I needed to have Lasik done I would certainly have Dr. Ashraf conduct my Lasik procedure.

He is now the top Lasik Surgeon at Atlanta Vision Institute. He uses the most state of the art Lasik Excimer Lasers as well. He has the German Allegretto Wavelight Laser wich yields phenomenal results.

Dr. Ashraf has completed over 35,000 Lasik surgeries with great results. He is definitely one of the most experienced Lasik Doctors in the world. You can check out his impressive academic background on his website at www.atlanta2020.com .

If you have any Lasik questions or concerns you can contact me at Lasik University .

Lasik Counselor

FDA Approves New-Generation Laser for Corneal Flap Creation

The Food and Drug Administration has cleared the way for Advanced Medical Optics to begin selling its new-generation femtosecond laser. This laser is used to create a thin corneal flap on the eye's surface in preparation for the Lasik procedure.

In a Lasik Surgery, the laser will create a flap and it is then hinged back and then a different type of laser called an excimer laser is then used to reshape the cornea to achieve better vision.

Advanced Medical Optics newly approved laser that is known as the IFS Advanced Femtosecond Laser has advanced capabilities like the ability to complete a corneal flap in under ten seconds. This is phenomenal!

Some of the other exiting features is that it can create elliptiacal form flaps which will increase the options Lasik Eye Surgeons have to address individual vision concerns. It is really a boost in continuing the customization of the Lasik Procedure.

Lasik Counselor

FDA responds to Lasik Advisory Board

If you have already had Lasik or are interested in having Lasik you should be aware that the US Food and Drug Administration has now finally responded to a public advisory panel of outside Lasik industry professionals who have taken the time to hear about the experiences of Lasik patients. Together this public Lasik advisory panel is considering how to drastically improve the availability of good information for potential Lasik patients and Lasik physicians about Lasik.

The Food and Drug Administration has responded to public and Lasik expert feedback and is now implementing multiple improvements in communications with the public in regards to Lasik related safety concerns and issues.
Some of these improvements include keeping the FDA’s website more up to date to make it easier to report any Lasik problems to MedWatch, the government’s platform to receive complaints in regards to FDA approved medical instruments. Within the updated public information you will now see more of a focus on any reports of patients experiencing halos, glare, night vision problems and dry eye syndrome. These issues are very well known side-effects of Lasik Eye Surgery. To learn more about Lasik side-effects please visit Lasik911 .

Patient information cards are now being constructed with full partnership of the American Academy of Ophthalmology that Lasik Doctors can fill out with the patient’s exact eye measurements before their Lasik Procedure. Lasik Patients will be able to retain this information card to assist their Doctor in calculating the lens implant power in the event they require future cataract surgery.

It is great to see that the FDA is finally addressing some of the existing concerns about Lasik side-effects and the lack of good Lasik educational information.

To learn more about Lasik you can register for Lasik University for FREE!

Lasik Counselor

Lasik Doctor Listing at Lasik Provider

Hi all,
I hope everyone is doing great. I wanted to mention that if you are a Lasik Provider reading this post I wanted to let you know that I am taking names and numbers of those that wish to be listed at LasikProvider.com. This new Lasik brand will be a part of LasikUniversity.com and VisionKingdom. I am only asking for $2.50 a month. If you accept you will be awarded this rate for life and you can cancel membership at will. I don't believe in locking people into contracts. So once again you will get your Lasik Practice listed at $2.50 a month. Please email me your name, practice information and I will send you an email when LasikProvider.com or LasikDocSearch.com is ready to go. Also, if you have a Lasik Referral program I would love to get the info from you as I would be willing to conduct initial Lasik phone screenings and schedule qualified Lasik consultations into your Lasik Center. Please let me know if you have any interest in working with me. I have put more people through Lasik Surgery than anyone in the world as far as I know. Thanks so much and you have a blessed day.

Lasik Counselor